The Presidents Award is sponsored by Region 10 and is presented by the club President for outstanding contributions to the Arabian breed, and for exceptional service to AHA and WDHA club members.
Past Recipients
2023 - Kate Wiggert Johnson
2022 - Kristin Urban
2021 - Marie Schickowski
2020 - no nominations
2019 - Candy Ziebell
2018 - Gail Rentmeester
2017 - Kristin Urban
2016 - Kris Lehman
2015 - Vikki Dalton
2014 - Danielle and Randy Shaw
2013 - Rita Lemke
2012 - Michelle Peplinski
2011 - Lori Adams
2010 - Curtis Dave
2009 - Rachel Rhein
2008 - Amy Thalacker
2007 - Connie Kienast
2006 - Don Borth
2005 - Candy Ziebell
2004 - Nancy Kronstedt
2003 - Paula Roberts
2002 - Heidi Lynn Kohlbeck
2001 - Rita Lemke
2000 - Brian & Debra Sauer
1999 - Jackie Luebke-Puetz
1998 - John & Mary Adleman
1997 - Amy Thalacker
1996 - Renee Wahlen
1995 - Judy Rathbun
1994 - Maureen Becraft
1993 - Kristin Urban
1992 - Roger Blaies
1991 - Board of 1991
1990 - Jackie Johnson
1989 - Sharon Trindal
1988 - Eve Odegard
1987 - Kathy Hetu
1986 - Elwood & Fay Juers
1985 - Gail Cordrey
The AHA Volunteer Service Award is presented at the Member Organization, Regional, and National levels of the Arabian Horse Association. Nominations for the WDHA Member Service Award are made by the general membership based on significant service, significant contribution; breed promotion; promotion of the Member Organization, Region and/or AHA by volunteering time, expertise, or resources; and/or unique or creative contribution. Selection of the final recipients from the nominations is made by the previous year's award winners.
Past Recipients
2023 - Shelly Lehman
2022 - Marie Schickowski
2021 - Brad Yancy
2020 - no nominations
2019 - Kati Mayer
2018 - Candy Ziebell, Marie Schickowski
2017 - Kris Apitz, Kathy Filen
2016 - Kathy Schlagel
2015 - Kristin Urban, Polly Bonfigt
2014 - Gail Rentmeester, Amber Hall
2013 - Shelly Lehman, Vikki Dalton
2012 - No Nominations
2011 - Kris Apiz, Healther DeVooght
2010 - Rachel Rhein, Kristin Urban
2009 - No Nominations
2008 - Heidi Kohlbeck, Renae Tiller
2007 - Paula Roberts, Bruce Genz
2006 - Terri Gellin, Mary Adleman
2005 - Michelle Peplinski, Eve Odegard
2004 - Don Borth, Amy Thalacker
2003 - Lori Adams, Wayne Halverson
2002 - Connie Kienast, Jim Saddison
2001 - Roger Blaies, Kristin Urban
2000 - Rita Lemke, Jackie Luebke-Puetz
1999 - Jackie Johnson, Heidi Lynn Kohlbeck
The WDHA Thank You Award was established in 1987. It recognizes WDHA members for their outstanding and often unrecognized volunteer service to the organization. Nominees for this award come from the WDHA Board of Directors.
Past Recipients
2023 - Ashley Hoffman Riehle
2022 - Shelly Lehman
2021 - Lois Marx
2020 - no nominations
2019 - Marie Schickowski, Lory & Scott Kohls
2018 - Kathy Filen, Tricia Joaquin
2017 - Gail Rentmeester, Dani & Randy Shaw
2016 - Shelly Lehman
2015 Show Managers: Kris Apitz, Kristin Urban, Kathy Schlagel
2014 - Shelly Lehman
2013 - Healther Devooght
2012 - Michelle Peplinski
2011 - Connie Kienast
2010 - Paula Roberts
2009 - John & Mary Adleman
2008 - Connie Kienast
2007 - Don Borth
2006 - Lori Adams
2005 - Amy Thalacker
2004 - Rita Lemke
2003 - Heidi Lynn Kohlbeck
2002 - Connie Kienast
2001 - Jackie Johnson
2000 - Carol Lewis
1999 - Michael Keller
1998 - Wayne Halverson
1997 - Jim Saddison
1996 - Renee Wahlen
1995 - Cindy Draper
1994 - Brian Sauer
1993 - Mary DeBruin
1992 - Roger Blaies
1991 - Debra Sauer
1990 - Judy Rathbun
1989 - Kristin Urban
1988 - Sue Miller
1987 - Kathy Hetu
The Sportsmanship Award was created in 2015 to recognize those who exhibit a great attitude and a fine example of good sportsmanship and fairness.
2016 Winner: Lisa Buel
2015 Winner: Jennifer Filen
Finalists: Julie McKee, Lisa Maurer Buol
Wisconsin Desert Horse Association is an Arabian Horse Association affiliated club.
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